Normally I'm VERY good at justifying my actions...but I really have no excuses and to be honest, I'm tired of spending so much time and energy coming up with excuses.
I'm still here, I'm still plugging away at life...and to be honest, life is pretty great right now (minus my weight.)
My hubby and I spent a week in Vegas at the beginning of June. I was very apprehensive about the trip, but had a wonderful time and it was so great to be alone and spend some quality time with my husband.
We came home to a crazy busy baby boy turned 5 just recently, which required two (yes 2) birthday parties. We had a family party and we had a 'school friends' party at Chuck E Cheese. I worked really hard to create (yep, they were creations) two birthday cakes for Munchkin #1. The first was a Police Car (per his request) and the second was a Firetruck. If I can toot my own horn, they were pretty amazing (and tasted delicious to boot.)
Just as we were coming down from the birthday festivities, my sister went into labour...delivering a beautiful baby girl last week. I was there to help her through most of her labour, lovingly referred to as 'the comic relief - aka 'bitch.' She did an amazing job and my little niece is proof.
Thrown into the mix is a grandmother who is not well and losing her battle on life, trying to keep my children entertained (busy weekends = tired and cranky kids who do not sleep through the night.)
There just hasn't been time to breath lately, let alone think about ME (see, despite my warnings, I'm still trying to justify.)'s my turn! Honestly, it's time for me to start thinking about that I can be a better person for everyone around me.
There have been so many little signs lately saying 'Smarten Up and lose weight.' From wearing my HUGE bathing suit in the water this weekend and worrying about how I looked while playing with my kids, to the Life Insurance company calling me and telling me my premium was doubling because of my excessive weight.
I've been watching 'Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss' and it's really inspired me to get up off my butt and do something about it, if I'm so unhappy.
I went yesterday and bought 'Eat Clean: Recharged' by Tosca Reno. It's come highly recommended by several people I know (from an internet forum) that have had great success with the plan (I believe it's more common sense than anything.) So I'm going to try it...and better yet, I'm going to put my whold family on this new 'Lifestyle.'
I've chosen TODAY (June 21, 2011) to be my starting just seemed right. My husband proposed to me 8 years ago it's a special and meaningful day.
Better yet, today is the LONGEST day of the year and the start of Summer. What better time for me to start my transformation.
The Moment of Truth
I weighed in this morning at 7:30am and my starting weight is 267lbs.
GAH...I'm so disgusted and ashamed, but I have to start somewhere and lying to myself isn't going to help at all.
So, there it is. I'm laying my weight out there, giving myself one year to do something, anything. I'm going to make this work and lose this weight, once and for all. I'm going to be a hot mommy, for everyone, but mostly just for me! I deserve it.
And...I've run out of excuses!